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How You Can Help

I’ll will attempt to be brief and to the point.

If you’ve enjoyed reading Vito: The Cat Who Wouldn’t Purr so far, then I could use your help.

I need to prove to agents and publishers that there is an audience for this book.

An audience large enough and enthusiastic enough that publishing it will result in an instant and overnight bestseller.

Okay, perhaps that is a little optimistic, but you get the point.

In any event, here’s my patented three-point plan for getting ‘Vito’ onto a bookshelf near you…

1. ‘Like’ Vito on Facebook

It’s the quickest and easiest way to show your support.

Simply click here and then click the ‘Like’ button at the top of the next page.

Pretty cool, eh?


2. Follow ‘Vito the Cat’ on Twitter

Twitter is everywhere these days, so if you have a Twitter account, you can “Follow” Vito here.

It is my belief that someone is going to have to take notice when we get to 10,000 followers.

I mean, Ashton Kutcher has over four million followers. How hard can it be?


3. Tell Two Friends About ‘Vito’

Last, but not least, make sure to tell two friends about ‘’, just like that old shampoo commercial.

“I’ll tell two friends. And they’ll tell two friends. And so on and so on and so on.”

Only don’t feel limited to telling only two friends.

And remember, for every new person you get to visit, a kitten gets to go to heaven. Honest!

Joel ‘DiG’ DiGiacomo…

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36 Responses Post a comment
  1. tiv123 permalink
    May 28, 2009

    I know the author and have been fortunate enough to have read a complete draft of “The Cat Who Wouldn’t Purr”. Trust me – you want to read the entire story. It thoroughly draws you into the special relationship between an unusual cat and its human. And the ending is really something you do not want to miss out on.

  2. BusterConCat permalink
    September 16, 2009

    I am a cat. But my Staff (a human) actually COLLECTS books on cats! She’d buy this in a heartbeat — and buy copies for her cat-loving friends, too. A great gift book for any cat owner or lover!

  3. LadyBonessa permalink
    September 16, 2009

    I want a copy to have!! Wonderful

  4. DiG permalink*
    September 16, 2009

    Thanks for making my day with your kind words!

    And don’t forget to tell your friends and retweet…

  5. September 16, 2009

    WUNNERFUL!!!! we love your book! *PURRRRS* n *nosetaps*
    we’d buy it today if we could!

  6. 2minions permalink
    March 5, 2010

    I was lucky enough to meet Vito in that South Philly apartment. Lest anybody think that the author is exaggerating or anthropomorphizing, I assure you that this cat was just a smart, sneaky, and possessed of a wicked sense of humor as the story says.

    DiG, you have captured him perfectly. I can’t wait for the dead cicada chapter.

  7. Pam Gori permalink
    July 11, 2010

    Very cute!….a cat lover as well I can relate to the replay of certain events with laughter. Love the Italian name “Vito”. My In-Laws have a black Vito as well (also named by my Italian Father-in-Law Emilio who love The GodFather)

    Looking forward to the next chapter!

  8. July 13, 2010

    I loved the story of Vito, having the same type of cat in my female calico cat named Sheba, who has tried everything just about everything except getting wet and going outside. I hope Vito lives a long life and entertains us a long time

  9. July 15, 2010

    Can’t wait to read the entire book. I love cats. I have two – both of whom are very heavy purrers. A cat that doesn’t purr seems an anomaly, but I’m sure he’s just wonderful. Please try to have the book released as an e-book so I can buy it for my Nook. And keep up the good work.

  10. RaivKitteh permalink
    October 22, 2010

    I found the link to this on my facebook, and loved it so much I actually read it over the phone to my boyfriend! He laughed the entire time, and then Liked your facebook page as well. I have two cats of my own, and these stories remind me of them so much, its uncanny. I really hope this gets published! I would definitely invest in one (or more) copies of it! :3

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